"The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents."
~ Carl Jung
Such a wise man, and yet with these words he stops short of a most important truth. The child is not burdened by the parent, but rather born of them, with soul agreement and intent.
When we incarnate, we are met with the exact gifts and challenges that are a match to our karmic plan for this life, including the circumstances of our birth. We are creators. We have no one to blame, and no suffering is without purpose.
If there is a central theme to my upcoming book (and card deck) of collected transmissions, DEAR HUMAN CHILD, a call to Choice would be it.
A refrain inviting us to release attachment to experiences of victimization threads through all the transmissions. This humbling process stands as the foundation of all other matters of consciousness, for so long as we do not understand the meaning found within our pain, we remain separate from both personal brilliance and the true freedom of our hearts.
The part of your parent which has not yet known a full blossoming of self is the aspect which continues to heal in partnership with your parents’ parents, their ancestors, you and your children, and your children’s unborn children for generations to come. Psychology falls short when it looks only at the wounds of one life. Our soul journeys are so much more deep and rich, that to remain fixed upon one childhood is like only reading one chapter of a book. The full story tells so, so much more.
When we can take this vast, bird’s eye view, beyond even forgiveness, we return to a world of no blame, just pure creation and collaboration. This is the medicine which, in this moment, our whole world craves.
“Ever more people today have the means to live, but no meaning to live for.”
~ Viktor Frankl
In time, as we meld with all beings, even the karmic dance will fall away in a field of Oneness. But for now, to say yes, I accept my responsibility of choice in all things, this is the spark of the fiery breath of the New Earth. And please breathe deeply my friends. You are the catalysts of our time.
Kickstarter launch date coming soon!
much love, Adi
Ah yes! A call to choice! Choose this day whom you should serve and what ye shall be!