Dear Reader;
I have spent much of my life learning to understand the way my mother loved me. It was not through touch. It was not through words. It was rather through the way she lived.
She knew poverty. She knew war. She knew abandonment and abuse. She was fierce in her fear and faithful in her mothering. She lived by rules and she lived by what she believed was right. I know how much I troubled her in my unfamiliar ways. I know how powerfully I rejected her when I felt unseen and misunderstood. But finally, finally I believe I am ready to see myself in her, and she in me. In this way, I return to the possibility of her love.
To my Mother, and my Mother's mother and all the mothers before her. Thank you. I owe my life to you.
May all the Mothers amongst you be cherished and nourished today. And may the mothers of our hearts be remembered with respect for all they have given, loved and borne.
much love, Adi
One of your best writings, IMHO.