Dear Reader;
On a personal spiritual path, we often encounter contrasting information regarding our suffering. Do we avoid looking at it, in order to lift up our frequency, or do we go toward it, honouring the shadow and addressing any underlying denial?
This transmission addresses this deep question, with reminders about the value of energetic awareness as we travel through our human days.
BETWEEN RELEASE AND ASCENSION This great question lies at the heart of the process of transmutation It is one we all so need to understand You ask do I turn my attention away from the wound and feed only what lifts me up or do I allow the expression of the hurt little one within and respect her voice of pain The answer is yes to both for one does not defy the other in any way When darkness comes it can be as powerful as a great wind that blows out every candle snuffs every flame In the resulting absence of light it seems that we are without choice and made blind to any avenue of relief The truth is there is always choice and aspects of this permission live in the mind while other facets live deep within the body and express beyond the conscious voice So while the mind may indeed heal the body in its powers of creation we must be able to access thought in order to take hold of such power and to do this we may first have to release what is held in the physical form overwhelming our senses so that the mind may then find its way This unfurling of energy can happen without our awareness but as we learn to pay attention we discover ways to drop deeply into an experience of our world and learn to recognize this process for what it is until we know it can feel it coming just as a woman realizes when labour has begun or a tumescent lover senses the impending explosion of sexual pleasure and release
Each soul in body holds their own vibration and their own level of awareness of this To very many these principles are so unconscious it is like every day walking on silk and velvet wearing heavy rubber boots Others have been activated and a detoxification has begun the cleansing of many lives and many wounds experiencing stages of purification that are as intense as the original wounding triggering despair and a crisis of faith And then there are those who have already walked these valleys of fire discovering their own immortality watching as pain becomes beautiful in its purity and moments of saturated bliss are found in a speck of floating dust It is this place where the practice of discernment between release and ascension is found and the irony is that the deeper the surrender to the pain the greater the thrust toward the light At the same time the more willing the detachment from the story of the pain the less its teeth will bite The simplest direction toward this sensual dance is to view every sensation and emotion without judgement and with love This perspective will allow you to quickly sense how to proceed for it wipes away the tarnished clouds of the self-critical seeker who fears to love what may seem unloving within Any judgement of this kind confuses the mind’s ability to facilitate release If you Love your suffering when it rises a broad, humble love without attachment devoid of the victim’s lament the pain itself will speak to you through your physical self and above all your heart giving you a direction to take For the heart is the great mediator between mind and body the place where all truth lives and may be experienced as the kokoro of life
When the heart is open if the pain is meant to intensify and flow free like the rush of a river through a broken dam then it will do so and you will witness this as grace But if the expression of the wound is simply a memory an empty shadow that flickers out of habit then it will fall away easily as you lift yourself up into the Now knowing this old wound will never happen again These answers may be found both in the silence of divine listening such as meditation and also in the steps you walk each day for the body holds its own wisdom and will act will sing its own song even if the heart is not heard So if you stumble if you fall deep love even this moment for every impulse of self love shakes loose attachment and carries you further faster upon the lush winds of change Turn your attention always and above all to loving your experiences utterly without judgement every single breath and every waking dream From this state of surrender you will know if it is a time to soften into shadow or rise up into light for each direction will take you to the other and back again until you one day stand tall as the noonday sun and no earthly thing will cast darkness upon your way
much love, Adi