Forgiveness Healing Pop Up Salon
Forgiveness is a tricky subject. When we truly begin to grasp what it means to live in a world without blame, a world in which every conflict is a lesson and every enemy a teacher, the blessing of this acceptance lives in the reclamation of our own capacity to choose. We become the victim no more.
We may have everything material taken away from us, but no one can claim the inner choices of our soul, as was so clearly expressed in Victor Frankl's brilliant book, Man’s Search for Meaning. As we apply these principles we may find that within our own personal relationships, apology is no longer necessary in the same way.
We become willing to witness both our own actions and the actions of our loved ones as simply expressions which arise from who we are and where we are in each moment. Even in situations of grave harm and loss it is possible to walk within this framework. to recognize that Justice is a much more complex and holy process than vengeance.
Alongside this principle exists a profound understanding which is that we set ourselves and others free by releasing our attachment to suffering through an intentional forgiveness practice. This can be deeply effective even if we are not aware of consciously sitting in a place of blame. What forgiveness achieves is acknowledgement of both the pain of the one who has been harmed and the one who caused the harm.
From this view we can abstain from the use of words like victim and persecutor and yet still recognize the mutual dance of shame and heartbreak which has been such a powerful part of our human journey. In this process we allow what is hidden in our unconscious to feel safe enough to rise up and be acknowledged, beyond cycles of defence and counter-attack. The elimination of denied resentment and powerlessness is critical to the creation of a world without blame. We must be willing to tell the truth before we can all be set free.
Please join me tonight for an online, Pop Up Salon at no charge. We will share Ho’oponopono, energy medicine and prayers. Bring your hurt, bring your anger, bring your misunderstandings to offer up, to be set free.
You can join our Facebook event here
Father forgive them for they know not what they do Mother forgive me for I did not know that I was you My own heart forgive me for the wrongs I feared were my fault Let the yes the Yes be spoken again this time in freedom this time the lesson learned All humility brings me to my knees all wonder lies waiting there for the attack is over forgiveness come and gone not needed anymore The war is done. When I say Peace my brothers When I say peace my mother my daughter my life I say peace in fact was always the answer but we didn't know we didn't know what we were not yet ready to learn But the day is coming when we will rise high once again though it will not be what you think it will be because it will begin from within you inner galaxies emerging from a place you have never before been..
There is no charge for this gentle, two hour Salon, and it is open to all. Please feel free to share and invite others.
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Time: Jun 12, 2023 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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“My SASS reading has brought me to profound realizations about a sexual history that carries significant trauma and shame. I can now see my experience in a new way and I feel a tremendous sense of liberation from painful patterning as I reclaim my sexuality, pure and safe, my own to inhabit and enjoy. The shame is being shed like skin that I’ve outgrown. I feel more present in my body on a daily basis. I feel a sparkling sense of vitality that is completely new, like a rebirth from within. I couldn’t be more grateful.” - M.S.
SASS is about the deepest permission, for creativity, for connection, for joy, for presence in body and heart. There is no time more powerful to reconnect to these aspects of our being, than when the external world seems so dark and uncaring. That which we transform within touches All.
Please reach out for a chat to see if this process may offer just the loving care, nourishment and uplifting energy that you need right now.
SASS Reading with Adi
2 Private facilitation sessions
6 Group facilitation and training sessions
Private and secure online community
Thursdays, 7 – 9 PM Eastern, June 22 – July 27
Our work together is online and worldwide.
Spaces are limited.
much love, Adi