Dear Reader;
A gentle thought..
"..And herein lies the struggle with all the voices that say the world is a dark place because I am dark the world is a dangerous place because I am dangerous the world is a failure because I am a failure the world is devoid of Love because I am unlovable here where I live so far from the heart of my god And when we dare to break out of these habits of self-created despair just watch how the resistance rises you ask for joy? you deem yourself worthy? you stand before others in the beauty you believe yourself to be? For this is our chance our moment to say yes yes and yes again I care nothing for the judgements of old I care nothing for the appearances of this illusory shame I care nothing for the threat of loss that cries out from my wounded heart because I know them to be untrue to be of my own manufacture products of my old and familiar fear And so let the stars seem to fall from the sky let the tiny mice shout their wrath upon the lion who walks among them let the dead leaves bury the seeds of spring I know the truth I know infinite power I know what comes what rises and through my proclamation will others know and all else fall silent in their time..." much love, Adi
Beautiful I e reposted to x