Nothing Else Under Heaven
Dear Readers,
Transmission from a Return to the Light Salon.
NOTHING ELSE UNDER HEAVEN Do not ask to understand this year this time but rather understand only who you are Every day do you honour your wellness or do you only pay attention to your illness when it comes? Do you respond only to the pain of your world or do you stop to root yourself in the beauty around you? The practices which remind you of the freedom which is inherently yours to choose to open to the capacity to love even in the midst of your fear these will serve you well now for this is the lesson of all Time To be present not with what you lack but with what you embody To trust in what you are becoming rather that grieving the illusion of that which you have been so afraid to lose For many years we have reminded you that the days are coming of a deconstruction of all that has been built upon misalignment These Days of Ending have come so that a new time may be born and they are now upon us The global rebirth has begun And we will remind you that for the new to arrive the old must fall and for clarity to be awakened confusion must reign for you to find who you are you must end your seeking of what you thought you were supposed to be This you know It only remains for you to practise what your True heart believes And we can tell you that there will come a further breaking down of all systems built without awareness and compassion We can tell you that the Great Mother will roll under your feet as she takes back what has always been hers to own We can tell you that the spirits of darkness will fight for their lives for in our great awakening their purpose within this realm will soon be done We can tell you that money will be washed clean to begin again We can tell you that the machines will rise but they will mean nothing beyond the intentions of the men who made them for they are without soul and nothing that is without soul can choose to live or to die We can tell you that the great equaliser of suffering will touch every corner of the Earth and the gift of your global technology will mean that you can no longer look away you can no longer deny for you will be present in the cold tent of every refugee child in the very nests of the small animals as the forests burn But more important than all of this is the unfolding of your own heart in two ways: to dare to love and to dare to tell the truth Nothing more To love was once a dream you chased through romantic stories of a partner to make you whole or years of analysis to understand why your parents were not good enough To love was a hunger to feel happy and it never seemed to last But now in these End Days you are ready finally ready to understand that Love is not a feeling but rather a knowing a deep, deep trust in wherever you walk wherever you place your foot next upon the soil To Love is a state of being requiring nothing of any soul other than you of any circumstance of any condition outside of you for to Love is a returning to the moment by moment experience of how you choose to see the world around you and thus the words you speak the light in your eyes and the radiant power of your soul’s presence In this knowing everything is changed in this knowing even loss even war cannot touch you for you have opened like a water lily nestled within the mud There is no place which is not your home Please do not mistake this form of loving for duty of care for this Love always begins in your own quiet essence and all other forms of giving emerge as your sight becomes clear And then there is Truth the truth of your soul Once truth was conflated with fact the idea that only one experience of one occurrence could be real But we know that perceived reality is a constant variable The flower the bee the child who watches the bee upon the flower each of these experiences their own reality and so it has always been But within each soul lives a great Truth and this is the experience of alignment with the aspect of you which is Source incarnate and every lifetime you have lived has been a step closer and closer to the remembering and the honouring of the Truth that is you Be not confused by the idea that to turn toward this truth is selfish egotistic narcissistic and all the other mistaken and popular fears Instead the opposite is true The egotist is the one who has become disconnected from this Self and so afraid are they that they will attempt to steal a sense of self from others in firm denial of the emptiness within No this Truth we invite you to call forth is not possessive is not controlling or angry it does not need to make others wrong or to be in blame or resentment as a victim This Truth needs nothing from others because it emerges from the knowledge the state of Love and as such holds a frequency of wholeness the cycle of being born from Spirit embodying Spirit and returning to Spirit coming home to what has been the Truth all along Such a Truth will not seek recognition so great is its power but rather it becomes embodied through radiance through the generosity of a soul which has come back to itself It is the spark of the eternal flame brought into form illuminating all life You each one of you holds this Truth within You may have thought you were defined by your personality your career your parents or your children your skills your beauty or your physical being But no You are defined by the Truth of you and since your very first incarnation you have been on a journey of returning to this Self These End Days are the days of coming home to the Truth of the Self you have always been and once found your Truth may never be undone How do I find her you ask? How will I recognize him beneath my habits my assumptions and my fear? And we invite you to respond this way: With every thought which makes Truth seem difficult go toward ease With every action which makes Truth seem impossible walk away For the knowing of our Truth is not the picking up a heavy weight it is not dressing up in a costume it is not putting on a performance It is rather the putting down of all that is heavy that you have carried it is the tearing away of the costumes of your fears it is the end of pretending the end of trying the end of pushing and forcing and chasing and blaming It is the end of being without Allowing yourself to live in Truth is the greatest letting go you have ever known as you fall into the arms of the Great Mother who waits to hold you in the warm blanket of her absolute acceptance It is the recognition that you are God you are Goddess you are a child of the infinite and as such you can never lose the love which defines you and the illusion that you are anything else dissolves dust in the wind In the embodiment of this Truth all your questions are answered All actions are born from this Self you so deeply know Outcomes must respond to your True nature for it is universal law as your old hungers to be seen to be understood fade away And Love rises here beyond romance beyond even the comfort of familial bonds into a state you walk a state you breathe a state you radiate until everywhere you turn you find a lover every face you see becomes family and everywhere you sit to rest your feet becomes the most absolute kind of Home Thus as the information of your technology brings you stories of heartache and pain your Truth becomes your filter and only that which is resonant may take hold Thus as conflicts arise with loved ones or neighbours in struggle with their fear your Truth will guide you and your Love will hold you for you have become so full that you have plenty to give and it matters not how it is received for this Truth will always find its way In these days of the undoing of so much that once seemed real hold these two simple parameters of guidance to lead you through your days Be patient as your human nature may seem to fail you for remember you are not seeking to gain something new you are returning to that which has always been yours and some days you may feel further from it and other days you may feel you have found it forever and this too is your Truth What some call a spiritual war is nothing more than this for the battle to liberate the Divine in every soul is how the Dark will lose its hold This too is all Love For there is nothing else under Heaven