Dear Reader;
In a meeting with a beautiful client this week, we discussed the principle that it is incredibly helpful to come into a state of awareness and acceptance about what is, before we can move to the creation of what we envision.
This is no small ask, when a trigger may touch our deepest wound and when the world seems to be falling down around us.
I am delighted to share that the first book in the Love Letters series is in the editing stages, and will be available for purchase soon. This first book, working title Dear Human Child, addresses the intensity of our present moment Shift and offers tools to assist in the navigation of it.
The transmissions have long been speaking of these end days, and now, here we are. Time is Now.
You, my dear Readers will be the first to know about its availability for pre-order.
I offer this fascinating interview by the brilliant Terence McKenna, his last from the field before his untimely death. Terence may not have named the date and year, but he certainly names the event.
“We are all gathered here at the end game of developmental processes on this planet. We are about to become unrecognizable to ourselves as a species. Our technologies, our religions, our science has pushed us toward this for thousands of years without us awakening to what the denouement would be. Now we stand close enough to it, I think all but the most lumpen amongst us must feel the tug of the transcendental and the transformative.”
Terence McKenna Interview Hawaii 1998
And what does this mean for those of us who chose to Be Here Now for these days of transformation? The art of life calls us, like never before. We are asked to create, so that we learn to see ourselves as Creator. The invitation is very clear.

"The time has come to cease thinking with the brain and instead infuse your Presence with expansive sight To stop breathing with the lungs and instead inhale the force of a destructive and creative fire To walk upon the soil and at the same time transcend the doing of it all the while discovering beauty in every particle of your sleep-walking day-dreaming world As you expand slowly, slowly exploding the DNA as you breathe in this fiery light you may believe that now you have drunk the tea taken the pill but this dear children this is your return to knowing the remembering of the coming of the end of the night This is exactly how the key is handed back to you placed firmly in your hands for you can never cease human confusions without first naming the stories the stage and the players and then bow in absolute gratitude as you rise up as you re-materialize into your entirety and leave those stories behind This is the melding of a transporting state wherein we envision ourselves into alchemy with the material voice of our human drama We the wordsmiths We the players We the audience the critics on opening night forever and forever at play caught between suffering and joy hide and seek with the light of utter absolution and forgiveness allowing ourselves to be found allowing ourselves to be found and the game is thus done the dissolving forces of negative illumination collapsing inward until we cannot be lost confused or distracted again no matter how great the storm no matter how deep the crashing of this giant wave Come here to this shore one, two, three times every day let the reminder of meaning within chaos sing in your ears and become one of the ones who has relinquished fear and found the rhythm of acceptance The untouchables the transformers the heroes upon their journeys finally able to play the game because we see the game and to return to the arms of Home when the theatre is done Author pick up your pen Artist pick up your brush Parent birth your child Child grow into your parent Creator infuse the expressions of every shade of every being in every way You were born for this time" ~ Excerpt TO THE SEE much love, Adi
* Gentle reminder that our Kokoro Circle meets Tuesday, November 14 in Toronto, to discuss this very topic. Together we will find our way. All are welcome.
Such a rich offering on many levels. Thank you