Three days I go I said good-bye to one of the great loves of my life, my thirteen year old chihuahua named Brody.
I had no idea how much presence could be packed into one tiny, four pound body, until he was gone. He wasn’t loud, unless defending his people, and yet now the house is eerily silent. He wasn’t big, and yet the space in my home has become immense.
He and I lived many journeys, celebrating many joys and healing much pain. Relentless in his affection, nothing ever kept him from loving. Love was the truth of his being.
His passing has brought me expansion, led me into trust, and at the same time filled my days with a profound and bittersweet grief.
I asked my pen to speak, to bring me guidance, to lead me in allowing him to travel, this time onward, and for now, without me.
THE OCEAN REMAINS The grief of loss is inextricably bound with the idea of error Either the unfairness of a god who takes away love even as it was once given Or that we ourselves have somehow pushed love away and loss becomes a deserved punishment to the one who is not worthy the one who is dark and unholy too weak to hold love close or too dangerous to give it room to grow Hence the inevitability of the death of love has become the birth of doubt of existential mistrust for how does one live in a world which teaches through beauty yet punishes through the ache of such inexpressible pain Where does faith go when love fades beyond our grasp when the days grow dark and the nights darker still for grief is necessarily so very very lonely What hopeful truth could we be asked to believe when it seems that the truth is plain before us Love leaves joy dissolves we are never again to feel the kiss to know the touch which once taught us that love inhabited the world within one’s own all too human heart And so we ask if love has left where has it gone? And there can be no other answer except that Love is where it has always been where it will always be in the fields of perfection so vast that our material bounds are but a whisper of memory which live at Love's periphery an inversion of the All like the impressions of waves upon the sands at the edge of a great forgotten ocean The waters may seem to ebb and flow but the ocean remains farther than the eye larger than imagination deeper oh so much deeper than those who still walk the land may ever know Yet our time will come One day we too will slip into her waters and laugh at the thought that once we fell under the spell of those shifting sands And so when the gentle wind of a familiar faith comes calling returning one breath at a time When we take pause and consider to raise up the pieces of our broken heart we decide not to look back but turn our gaze beyond not to simply remember what seems lost but rather to join in the journey of expansion to understand that love is never still but always flowing and in the choice to float with love wherever she goes into the abyss and beyond we may drop our tears into that immense sea of acceptance for Love has not gone anywhere that we are not free to travel as the beloved leads us their kisses marking the path each one a closer surrender to a Home more vast than all our dreams could tell And so to the dear one who has led me to this shore I thank you I prepare myself to travel with you once more These steps you so softly and graciously took those last breaths you so gently offered a gift to our separation now guide me for though my flesh my body still breathes this air I know it is but a moment till oceans of love will swallow me whole and the confusions of the blindness of grief will fall away and I will find you again beyond form beyond pain beyond the fear that love could be lost for I will know you by your kiss now the universal touch as I meet you in your freedom our eternity for this is love this is Love This is Love
much love, Adi
Only two days ago I had my first ever dream of communication with my departed cat, Tom Slick. Human language was a barrier but the language of love was not. May this avenue of grief management always be available to you. Much Love, Clarance