Dear Reader;
Welcome to Part Three in a series of writings on Healing the Primary Sexual Wound.
Part Three: On permission, and why not.
As a child, when I would witness the limits around me, all the ways we were told no, don’t you dare, especially the ones all the grown ups seemed to obey, I found myself asking, but why? Or rather, why not? I was genuinely curious about how certain ways of being were forbidden, beyond discussion, not even worthy of consideration. What was the purpose behind the strictures and rules? What were they afraid might happen?
What I found was that many such limits were ultimately emotional, nonsensical things, rather than well thought-out, purposeful and evolving strategy. As children we quickly learned that breaking the rules put one at risk of punishment, ostracism, shaming and blaming. And there were so many rules to learn! Every action, every experience of life seemed interwoven with constraints and expectations. There was no life outside these limits, and my contrary instincts often left me feeling like a foreigner in a strange land, struggling with the language and etiquette. In my shy nature I often chose passivity and compliance as the safest way forward. Powerlessness is a deep habit, one not easy to unlearn.
My father travelled often for business, and once, upon returning from a trip to the Middle East he surprised us with a revelation. He commented that when he was invited to a dinner hosted by his client, his local guide advised him to make sure to belch openly, or the host might be offended and feel the meal was unappreciated.
At our dinner table, it was a different story. I don’t believe I had ever heard one of my family members burp aloud. Someone passed wind once and it was a terrible moment. I was fascinated and confused. Was it polite to burp at the dinner table or was it the height of crass behaviour? It all depended, ultimately, on the customs, habits and fears of those who have created the rules by which we unconsciously abide.
I am not suggesting that limits are entirely a mistake. A world without any boundaries is a world of chaos. Even when we experience limits imposed upon us, they serve as a purposeful catalyst, with which we are karmically entwined. They may seem external but they are absolutely fuelled as a foil to our own momentum of expansion. And of course here lies the golden key, as we shift from identification as helpless, powerless and victimized, into a fiery willingness to claim our creative role in every aspect of our reality. In this way we stand at the doorway to our freedom. Everything we want is on the other side of our fear.
"In every mansion
there rises a staircase
the craftsman who builds it
the maker of peace
she carves it
and moulds it
then rises upon it
refusing to look back
to lower her feet
In every tower
there opens a window
a chance for a vision
the will to believe
From every slave
comes the birthplace of freedom
I pray I am ready
to let my soul leave.."
~ Over
The suppression we have faced is what will determine our capacity to claim our soul’s liberation. We have to know there is no mistake. It is time to shift our focus from chasing happiness by trying to fix what we perceive as broken, to recognizing both light and shadow elements are fuel for the combustion of awareness. It will all melt within the alchemical process. And it's within the grace of the meaning of our suffering, we find what so many name as God.
And so then it becomes a process of examining the rules we impose upon ourselves. The truth is, many, many of us have no idea what we truly want. No idea. The taboo of desire has stolen personal permission from us. We cannot make a conscious choice because we simply cannot yet see the expanse of possibilities we are actually offered.
What we may see clearly is what we don’t like. We may be all too familiar with what makes us feel trapped and defeated, as if hope was long ago lost. This comfortably compartmentalized way of life may have become too familiar to consider escape, and yet our aversions may teach us a great deal about our desires.
If we begin to tell the truth about what we have denied ourselves, and allow ourselves to feel this revelation in our very bones, we can play the game of “why not” as we examine our own rule book. We can look with deep honesty at where we may have set a limit within our own psyche, assuming a desire does not deserve to see the light of day, assuming its fulfillment is not even possible, because an unconscious habit of doubt told us so.
Remember, generosity is not muted by self-permission, but rather enhanced. In a search for genuine connection and giving, we must dare to question the ways we have said no to ourselves. If so many of our limits are fear-driven, surely the greatest fear which dictates our daily choices must be the fear of death. What would happen if we were able to fully transmute this fear? What might it look like to walk the Earth in such a state of trust that even our survival fears softened into acceptance?
Permission is not just an admission slip. It is the yes to enter the experience absolutely, with full heart and soul. Is this not the purpose of incarnation? Is this not why we were born?
THE RIVER - July 23 04 ~ Oonah If there is one thing that death teaches us it is about life Not that it is over not that it is lost but that it is a force of vitality beyond loss that sleeps inside of us all ready at any moment to be awakened by our willingness to see We are reborn not because we have experienced death but because we have learned to re-experience life and through the discovery of this truth returned to the infinite where we began and where we shall always remain And what is this mystery that we find when we lose something we love and only in its absence do we finally recognize the complete beauty of what we once held in our hands?
What is this sudden vision that is granted to us as all blindness retreats and we see how perfect was life before death came before the new perfection was taken away? This is not the reckoning of death but rather the gift of life that comes with the opportunity to remain in joy for the discovery is not that we have lost perfection but that we have it that we have had it all along As the heart beats it fills with blood and then empties once more With each pulse it offers nourishment to the whole body opening and closing in a cycle that does not doubt the purpose of such an emptying the momentary space created so that new blood may flow
In the course of our lifetimes in the recurrence of life there is this same continuity each one but a breath each one that ends but a beginning of the next in the return of a new perfection that floods the body giving life over and over again There is no stopping of this universal heart no pause to perceive what is done and what is next for life is all that is as Love is all that is and though we may close our eyes to its truth for awhile when we are done our grieving when we are ready we may open them once more and with new eyes we may see In our human ways we have chosen death to fulfill a purpose And while it is true that we have needed to face an end in order to believe in the beginning we left behind we have also attached all our fears to the power of Death until every shadow that lives within can be finally named in its magnitude as the one that takes us to this place the one where we fear love stops and where we believe we no longer can live We long in our hearts to Be to be in every moment to be seen to be heard to be worthy of the love of those who walk beside us in our Being to exist deeply profoundly in a way that cannot be taken from us in the way we fear we have been taken from god This is what it means to be alive for we have defined our gods as those who have given us breath and allowed us to walk upon the Earth until we are done until we die But what we do not know is that we have needed no permission to become alive That this is no momentary exploration that must one day be snuffed out no candle that one day must lose its flame
Life cannot be taken away because it is not owned and therefore not given Life cannot end because it has no boundaries and so was never begun Life simply is just as god is just as we are just as every soul is an endless piece of the eternity that is god beyond our understanding perhaps but only until we are ready until we allow all the deaths of our lives to teach us about what we have been living all along
There is a river and it has no beginning and no end it flows eternally for its being is the flow of the water its existence is defined by the travel it takes It has never not been a river It will never not be a river It is what a river is and in this it is alive This river flows beneath us all we build upon it cover it with bridges and cities wage wars upon its banks dip our babies into its water and then take them far away drink from it and then ignore it know it but then forget it always covering it with our constructions until we think the river is no more But when the bridges and the cities come down when the babies grow and bring their own children back thirsty for what they have never seen the river will be there Even in our denial and our forgetfulness even in our grief and our confusion nothing about the river will ever change In the truth of what life is I am you are we are eternally alive This is how the river flows
What have you learned about the powerful gift of inner permission? I would love to hear.
much love,