Dear Reader;
The following transmission was received in response to the idea of incarnation into the wrong body.
Discomforts of incarnation are not unique to matters of sexuality. It is not uncommon for individuals to feel they have incarnated into the wrong family, or even to question if they were meant to be born at all.
In my work we reference “Starborn” beings, who are highly sensitive and often struggle with the dense energy of this three dimensional realm. I would place myself in this category and often joke that I have spent my whole life studying humans and trying to learn how to become one. I often get it wrong.
When my own son, a classic Starborn, was very young, he once told me when he went to sleep that he wished he could just “go home” and not wake up in human body again in the morning. This is not suicide ideation but rather a genuine expression of feeling misplaced on planet Earth. It’s not an easy or happy way to feel.
The actual causes of gender dysphoria seem to remain a mystery, as rather than delving into the reasons why, we seem to be caught in a contagion of identity wherein the focus is entirely upon affirmation and inclusion, rather than asking some very important questions about what is truly going on within.
The rising tide of confusion around gender identity is a growing concern for anyone watchful of abuses which involve children. It’s a highly charged topic, founded to some extent on the idea that it is possible for a boy to be born in a girl’s body, or vice versa. This means that what defines gender is determined by what an individual “feels”, and that this feeling can change on any given day. It’s worth noting that the idea that a biological man can actually become a woman is very current phenomenon and has not been a feature of gender dysphoria until recent years.
This supposition has been answered by medical science with the suggestion that it is possible to pharmaceutically and surgically change genders, and that sex is not a biological matter. The question of intersex individuals is often raised as a case in point, however this phenomenon, while worthy of care and understanding, is extremely rare. Of most grave concern are the astronomically escalating numbers of children being led through a fast-tracked medical funnel of irreversible and horrific procedures which include very severe side effects, infertility and loss of sexual function.
There are many questions to ask about this topic, but the first one must be to understand the idea of mistaken incarnation.
I offer this transmission with love and respect for all. To ask questions and be guided is a hallmark of human growth and reason.
To begin to discover the root of this question we are asked to consider the reason we have been born at all Why are we born? How are we born? And what is the purpose within our sufferings and confusions for in this understanding lies the answer to many questions even before they have been asked

The human body is a vehicle perfectly designed to house the soul The spirit lives not simply within the body but all around it inhabiting form beyond form infusing life force beyond the mechanics of our material view To understand life force we must travel beyond it and recognize that there is no aspect of the human condition which is without purpose No element of the complex interwoven elements of life which is accidental The idea of accident is antithetical to divine purpose for once we awaken to trust we discover that we are alive upon a stage of human theatre and that every role we play every costume we put on every fellow actor every tragedy and every scene is chosen in a state of utterly mutual creation for we are not pawns in the hand of any god but rather masters of our own vision authors of our own world To live without this understanding is to live powerless meaningless and hopeless it is to separate our material manifestations from the life force which imbues them with vitality and truth A bird does not regret its lack of fins A fish does not suffer in an absence of wings The creatures of this world are wise enough to trust the expressions of their journey And it is in this surrender that freedom and joy are found Even those souls born with physical limitations even those who experience injury loss of limb or health as they traverse their healing even these brave ones discover that to go toward their challenges and grief rather than to project and pull away this is the key to mastery Indeed surrender is the foundation of all expansions of Spirit for all awareness lives in the collapse of ego in the deconstruction of our resistance to the illusion of limitation in our lives Before we judge the mistakes of Source there are many questions to be asked Who would you be if not you? Whom would you accept if not yourself? Who are you to say Creator made a mistake? How would you try to fix what is already beautiful and in its imperfections already perfectly formed? For when the idea arises to become something you are not rather than seek the impossible it is time to ask tell me more about this part of you the hidden self you would seek to reject Why would you throw this self away?

What harm has already been done such that the soul denies itself? What is the name of this fear? For it is only when this question has been answered that such confusions may be truly made clear Ask not how do we make a girl into a boy under the blade of Man but rather why does a girl fear to be herself to claim the gift given by Spirit when first she agreed to incarnation when first she said yes to Source yes I will be born and yes this is who I am For until this question is answered no truth will be found and the arrogance and ignorance of human games will do harm to frightened children for no doctor is the God he imagines himself to be just as no incarnation was ever in error no matter how grave the fear which arises as we walk the life we have chosen For this is the very path to the freedom of the spirit our soul knows to be the foundation of life force energy brought into form It is exactly through our contrasts and our discomforts that we grow Human embodiment is the one miracle that will never and can never be performed by any machine Those who seek to disrespect the act of the life force claiming itself as matter do so at the great peril not only of the children but of all human life for if we deny a child the birthright of their body we deny Creation itself and this is not the work of any holy force Be not mistaken this is not the voice of any true or loving god Parents healers lawmakers rise up in protection of the Grace of your children for their innate sexual expression is a profound gift the greatest taste of human bliss they may know as it leads them to the day when they will bear children of their own Do not rob them of this source of fundamental healing Do not steal from them this blessing this joy Teachers priests and shamans offer your prayers for a return to the permission to honour the pure seed of the child just as we honour the seed of an oak and the seed of a rose each born to blossom in their own way their own time in their own chosen soil The seed’s journey toward the sun was never meant to be distorted by the machinations of Man nor Machine but held simply firmly in the hands of our Creator under the winds and rains of an earthly realm Ask not about a mistake of Spirit but look to your own errors Bring yourselves into willingness to see the darkness at play and stand strong in a knowing Light No knife no drug will make the human form whole Instead tell the truth even to those who would silence you in the reflection of their own shame
Ask the heart of each child to speak Who are you afraid to be? What are you afraid to be? How are you afraid to live and why? And for the child who is too young to answer ask these same questions of the mothers and fathers of the teachers and psychologists of the politicians and journalists ask of all the adults who would mould such a child through the lens of their own fear Once you dare to witness the answers to these questions let love be the solution to all your mysteries Allow the simplicity of a return to a divine and sacred plan the one which lives beyond the stumblings of the limited and material mind Human birth is both an honour and a miracle We are asked to receive this gift however it is given as unique and perfect as any rose
Please do offer your thoughts and comments below. I share these writings as part of a conversation.
much love, Adi
So at this point it may be up in the air whether "biology" supports the trans desire to change genitalia, or not. That's what I would derive from what you shared. Whether Elliott Page is far happier than Ellen Page, is not in dispute at this point. As Zen Master Seung Sahn used to say, "You must keep a don't-know-mind. You don't know."
In my personal experience, I would say the world of women appeals more to me than the world of men. I find myself among the women at barbecues as the conversation is more interesting.
I wouldn’t say I have experienced distressing gender dysphoria but enough to make me aware of feeling a bit different and of not truly fitting in with either sex.
The point of this uncomfortable awareness was, for me, to acknowledge the calling to come into my inner masculine in order to make the changes I needed to in my outer world.
It doesn’t mean I am now a huntin’ shootin’ fishin’ ice hockey Hemingway. But more consciously aware of the masculine energy within my psyche, and happier to call on it in my response to the outside world.