There's an article recently I posted in Facebook, medical research indicating that 'trans' people have the brain of the opposite gender. Speaking of "biological male or female". Given the soundness of he evidence, 'trans' people could not truly be accurately categorized as either male or female. I also have a friend whose visible body is female, and yet at puberty she had no periods, and found out that "she" had testes instead of ovaries. So what is she?
Hi Richard.. Your friend is inter-sexed. It's a rare physical abnormality. I wrote a piece on it decades ago. Thankfully doctors have stopped "assigning" sex at birth to individuals with unclear genitalia, and operating on them according to whim. That's where the term "assign" came from, and where it should remain. It doesn't apply to most babies.
Please note, what I have shared here doesn't take away from anyone's struggles. It's an invitation to recognize that our challenges are gifts. I know you are familiar with that central tenet of the Kore work. :)
The evidence re brain differences is very sketchy. As you know, you can find a study to prove anything these days, not to mention publications in journals which can easily be bought.
This is from one article: "De Waal’s argument rests on claims, made by a number of studies, that the brains of transgender people are closer in structure or function to their target sex than to their natal sex. But, unsurprisingly, this is far from settled science.
For one thing, studies of the brain involve either the very expensive process of imaging living brains, or brain tissue from deceased donors. It’s hard to get a decent sample size — and harder still when the group you’re interested in makes up just a tiny minority of the population. Plus, the pressures on scientists and journalists to produce eyeball-grabbing #content to keep their careers afloat can lead to conclusions being brazenly over-interpreted, especially in areas in which research often attracts media buzz.
On top of this, there are a number of complicating factors, which most of these studies are much too small to control for (if they even attempt to — plenty don’t). Hormones are one such complication: if people have medically transitioned, it’s difficult to say whether any resemblance to their target sex is because they were born that way, or because of their newly cross-sex hormonal profile. Many studies acknowledge this problem, but small sample sizes mean that their efforts to address it are often not statistically meaningful.
The fact that trans people are more likely to have autism or mental illnesses is another potential confounder, one that’s rarely mentioned. These diagnoses are thought to be associated with physical changes in the brain, so any study of average differences between trans people and control groups would need to rule them out as explanations.
Sexual orientation, too, should be taken into account. People who are trans are much more likely to be non-heterosexual pre-transition; if they are only compared to heterosexual controls, then it’s impossible to tell whether differences are down to gender identity or sexuality — especially if your experiment, like this one, is based on volunteers’ responses to an erotic film. This particular study found that trans women responded differently from straight men and similarly to straight women. Is this a sign of a “female brain”, or could they just be attracted to men, like straight women are? We don’t know, because the paper doesn’t say."
But apart from all that Richard, the question of surrendering to the divine body we chose is what is being addressed here. It's a request to acknowledge the divine nature of our physical form, to trust what may be uncomfortable about our bodies (I don't know a single woman who grew up feeling comfortable with her body!) and to get past the absurd notion that we can ignore biology, change someone's sex with drugs and knives and think this is a conscious response to challenges of psyche and spirit.
Feel what you feel, love whom you wish, but let's pull the medical gods down from their exploitive and well-paid pedestals on this one.
In my personal experience, I would say the world of women appeals more to me than the world of men. I find myself among the women at barbecues as the conversation is more interesting.
I wouldn’t say I have experienced distressing gender dysphoria but enough to make me aware of feeling a bit different and of not truly fitting in with either sex.
The point of this uncomfortable awareness was, for me, to acknowledge the calling to come into my inner masculine in order to make the changes I needed to in my outer world.
It doesn’t mean I am now a huntin’ shootin’ fishin’ ice hockey Hemingway. But more consciously aware of the masculine energy within my psyche, and happier to call on it in my response to the outside world.
Unjay I really like that.. No need to be Hemingway, but I think each one of us has a journey of inquiry re our masculine/feminine elements. And that is a beautiful thing. No surgery required.
So at this point it may be up in the air whether "biology" supports the trans desire to change genitalia, or not. That's what I would derive from what you shared. Whether Elliott Page is far happier than Ellen Page, is not in dispute at this point. As Zen Master Seung Sahn used to say, "You must keep a don't-know-mind. You don't know."
The transmission is the main part of my sharing.. it speaks to the fundamental principle that we choose our bodies and the circumstances of our birth.. that our lives are not random, that we are creators. On this premise alone, all the rest of the fuss is moot.
Richard I would say is there is much I don't know, but some things, I do know. I do know it's wrong to harm children and that adults need to advocate for their care. There is so much info available on this now, if we can let down our need to affirm, and listen critically instead.
"question of surrendering to the divine body we chose"....the eternal question of whether to surrender or create, the yin and yang of Hamlet's question: "Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to bear arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them." Just as trad thought said we should recognize the divine right of kings, since "God put them there", until they created democracy and threw their asses out.
Lol I was with you till you got to the divine right of kings. I don't see that as parallel to this transmission at all. Have a re-read :)
The question of surrender versus taking action is a juicy issue, but that is not what my post is about. In fact one of my objections is that appropriate action is NOT being taken. These kids are being pushed through a medical assembly line with NO appropriate counselling. That is the most grave action that is utterly missing.
It's simply not possible to incarnate "incorrectly", from the view of the work I have practiced for 25 years. That's like saying a cat made a mistake and meant to be a dog. It's simply not how embodiment works, and is a rather bizarre and fantastical way to explain psychological discomfort in my mind.
We're on the verge of an eclipse in Scorpio angel.. perhaps it's time to let online argument rest. <3
Last comment: I agree that the safety and health of minors (a concern of both sides) is a real issue here, that the safety of biological women in restrooms, prisons etc. is vital, and that fairness in sports is an important issue. Biological gender is still to be settled scientifically.
On such an issue surely we have to listen to our own common sense. Surely if the last three years have taught us anything it is that "science" is far from trustworthy.
There's an article recently I posted in Facebook, medical research indicating that 'trans' people have the brain of the opposite gender. Speaking of "biological male or female". Given the soundness of he evidence, 'trans' people could not truly be accurately categorized as either male or female. I also have a friend whose visible body is female, and yet at puberty she had no periods, and found out that "she" had testes instead of ovaries. So what is she?
Hi Richard.. Your friend is inter-sexed. It's a rare physical abnormality. I wrote a piece on it decades ago. Thankfully doctors have stopped "assigning" sex at birth to individuals with unclear genitalia, and operating on them according to whim. That's where the term "assign" came from, and where it should remain. It doesn't apply to most babies.
Please note, what I have shared here doesn't take away from anyone's struggles. It's an invitation to recognize that our challenges are gifts. I know you are familiar with that central tenet of the Kore work. :)
The evidence re brain differences is very sketchy. As you know, you can find a study to prove anything these days, not to mention publications in journals which can easily be bought.
This is from one article: "De Waal’s argument rests on claims, made by a number of studies, that the brains of transgender people are closer in structure or function to their target sex than to their natal sex. But, unsurprisingly, this is far from settled science.
For one thing, studies of the brain involve either the very expensive process of imaging living brains, or brain tissue from deceased donors. It’s hard to get a decent sample size — and harder still when the group you’re interested in makes up just a tiny minority of the population. Plus, the pressures on scientists and journalists to produce eyeball-grabbing #content to keep their careers afloat can lead to conclusions being brazenly over-interpreted, especially in areas in which research often attracts media buzz.
On top of this, there are a number of complicating factors, which most of these studies are much too small to control for (if they even attempt to — plenty don’t). Hormones are one such complication: if people have medically transitioned, it’s difficult to say whether any resemblance to their target sex is because they were born that way, or because of their newly cross-sex hormonal profile. Many studies acknowledge this problem, but small sample sizes mean that their efforts to address it are often not statistically meaningful.
The fact that trans people are more likely to have autism or mental illnesses is another potential confounder, one that’s rarely mentioned. These diagnoses are thought to be associated with physical changes in the brain, so any study of average differences between trans people and control groups would need to rule them out as explanations.
Sexual orientation, too, should be taken into account. People who are trans are much more likely to be non-heterosexual pre-transition; if they are only compared to heterosexual controls, then it’s impossible to tell whether differences are down to gender identity or sexuality — especially if your experiment, like this one, is based on volunteers’ responses to an erotic film. This particular study found that trans women responded differently from straight men and similarly to straight women. Is this a sign of a “female brain”, or could they just be attracted to men, like straight women are? We don’t know, because the paper doesn’t say."
But apart from all that Richard, the question of surrendering to the divine body we chose is what is being addressed here. It's a request to acknowledge the divine nature of our physical form, to trust what may be uncomfortable about our bodies (I don't know a single woman who grew up feeling comfortable with her body!) and to get past the absurd notion that we can ignore biology, change someone's sex with drugs and knives and think this is a conscious response to challenges of psyche and spirit.
Feel what you feel, love whom you wish, but let's pull the medical gods down from their exploitive and well-paid pedestals on this one.
In my personal experience, I would say the world of women appeals more to me than the world of men. I find myself among the women at barbecues as the conversation is more interesting.
I wouldn’t say I have experienced distressing gender dysphoria but enough to make me aware of feeling a bit different and of not truly fitting in with either sex.
The point of this uncomfortable awareness was, for me, to acknowledge the calling to come into my inner masculine in order to make the changes I needed to in my outer world.
It doesn’t mean I am now a huntin’ shootin’ fishin’ ice hockey Hemingway. But more consciously aware of the masculine energy within my psyche, and happier to call on it in my response to the outside world.
Unjay I really like that.. No need to be Hemingway, but I think each one of us has a journey of inquiry re our masculine/feminine elements. And that is a beautiful thing. No surgery required.
Maybe a bit of careful soul healing though.
And I really don’t like Hemingway!
In my inner world, working with my masculine is about taking charge of my direction rather than being pushed off course.
Absolutely! Our sexual natures are central to our healing. <3
So at this point it may be up in the air whether "biology" supports the trans desire to change genitalia, or not. That's what I would derive from what you shared. Whether Elliott Page is far happier than Ellen Page, is not in dispute at this point. As Zen Master Seung Sahn used to say, "You must keep a don't-know-mind. You don't know."
The transmission is the main part of my sharing.. it speaks to the fundamental principle that we choose our bodies and the circumstances of our birth.. that our lives are not random, that we are creators. On this premise alone, all the rest of the fuss is moot.
Richard I would say is there is much I don't know, but some things, I do know. I do know it's wrong to harm children and that adults need to advocate for their care. There is so much info available on this now, if we can let down our need to affirm, and listen critically instead.
This woman is very well spoken and well studied.
This series is excellent.
This young woman is very articulate and brave.
"question of surrendering to the divine body we chose"....the eternal question of whether to surrender or create, the yin and yang of Hamlet's question: "Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to bear arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them." Just as trad thought said we should recognize the divine right of kings, since "God put them there", until they created democracy and threw their asses out.
Lol I was with you till you got to the divine right of kings. I don't see that as parallel to this transmission at all. Have a re-read :)
The question of surrender versus taking action is a juicy issue, but that is not what my post is about. In fact one of my objections is that appropriate action is NOT being taken. These kids are being pushed through a medical assembly line with NO appropriate counselling. That is the most grave action that is utterly missing.
It's simply not possible to incarnate "incorrectly", from the view of the work I have practiced for 25 years. That's like saying a cat made a mistake and meant to be a dog. It's simply not how embodiment works, and is a rather bizarre and fantastical way to explain psychological discomfort in my mind.
We're on the verge of an eclipse in Scorpio angel.. perhaps it's time to let online argument rest. <3
Last comment: I agree that the safety and health of minors (a concern of both sides) is a real issue here, that the safety of biological women in restrooms, prisons etc. is vital, and that fairness in sports is an important issue. Biological gender is still to be settled scientifically.
On such an issue surely we have to listen to our own common sense. Surely if the last three years have taught us anything it is that "science" is far from trustworthy.