Oct 17, 2023·edited Oct 17, 2023Liked by Adi

"In the willingness to harm one child just one all grace is gone no matter what is written no matter what is believed."


One HUGE problem I see here is that the vast majority of people do not even recognize how harmful "modern" everyday living is for children.

AND most people genuinely believe that hurting children in the name of "discipline" or "preventative health care" or "protection" ... not to mention in the name of religion/ tradition/ culture... are all perfectly "normal" and therefore justified....

Just like this quote I posted previously exemplifies:

"WAR is the spectacular and bloody PROJECTION of our EVERYDAY living."

~ Krishnamurti

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This showed up in my inbox today:

Who is Responsible for the Future of Humanity?


"We cannot possibly survive if we are concerned only with our own survival. All human beings the world over are interrelated today. What happens in one country affects the others. Humans have considered themselves individuals separate from each other, but psychologically a human being is inseparable from the whole of humankind.

There is no such thing as psychological survival. When there is the desire to survive or to fulfill, you are creating a situation which is totally unreal. Psychologically, you cannot be separate from another.

The desire to be separate is the very source of danger and destruction. Each person by asserting oneself threatens one’s own existence.

When the truth of this is seen and understood, one’s responsibility undergoes a radical change, not only towards the immediate environment, but towards all living things. This total responsibility is compassion. This compassion acts through intelligence. This intelligence is not partial, individual, separate. Compassion is never partial. Compassion is for the sacredness of all living things."

 ~ J. Krishnamurti

Excerpt from The Whole Movement of Life is Learning


"WAR is the spectacular and bloody PROJECTION of our EVERYDAY living."

~ Krishnamurti

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Wonderful quote, thank you. <3

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