Welcome to THE GATHERING, the community of World Without Fear.

We are beings of vibration, and together we face challenging times as dense energies of conflict, projection and fear rise across the globe and in our personal lives. Many are struggling, and at the same time, many are ready to open their hearts and be uplifted to a higher consciousness together. It is time to allow the love of a higher presence to be felt by all, so that collectively we may transform days of darkness into a new way of being in the world.

And so, we Gather.

  • Members meet in monthly online Salons based upon the sharing of live energy work and received transmissions, conveying both present-moment healing and vibrationally activated guidance.

  • Members will receive exclusive access to audio versions of transmissions, teachings, and meditations.

  • We will Gather to experience the conjoined effects of personal and collective energetic practices, as we personally apply the principles of our individual karmic liberation.

THE GATHERING Salon Series. Join here as a Paid Subscriber.

What answers could most support you in these times of such profound challenge and change?

  • How do we walk in loving compassion every day, even in an angry world?

  • How do we maintain our trust and strength when those dear to us are suffering, or lost?

  • How do we stay grounded and of service, in times so full of upheaval and turmoil?

  • What are the most simple and effective healing tools to help us expand our consciousness and return to our inherent gifts?

We live in a time of global revolution. Awareness of the power of energetic transformation is at an all time high. World Without Fear stands as a voice of education and awareness in the understanding that as we shift our personal vibration, we inspire an alchemical evolution of the planet as a whole.

  • Are you feeling overwhelmed by recent intense global energies?

  • Are you experiencing exhaustion, anxiety or grief?

  • Do you feel on the verge of exciting or terrifying changes?

  • Do you feel called to take some kind of action to address your personal challenges, but also to make some kind of difference in the human theatre of our world?

If so, you are invited to participate in a remarkable project for our times. In this series of healing Salons, you have the opportunity to experience sequential attunements, clearings and energetic infusions to support and sustain your physical, emotional and spiritual natures during this time of expansion on our planet.

January - December ‘25

And so, coming to a shape-shifting planet near you…

The last Sunday of the month, 1 pm Eastern. 90 minutes, plus two Solstice Salons and a private Substack forum.

7 energy centres, 14 Salons, $20 per month as a Paid Subscriber to Substack.

THE GATHERING Salon Series. Join here as a Paid Subscriber.