How to go on with our lives when thousands of children have died How to go on with our lives? How to sleep in the night when thousands of bombs and rockets take flight How to sleep in the night? How to walk without fear when thousands of women have disappeared How to walk without fear? How to still trust in the sun when the fires and the winds and the waters have come How to still trust in the sun? How to believe in good when they poison the mind and the blood and the food How to believe in good? How to remember the Truth when they lie in the East and they lie in the West we lie in our heads even deep in the breast How to remember the Truth? How to find Home in a world where the houses and farms the lands have been burned How to find Home in this world? How to see Love in a time when the hated now hate and the blind lead the blind How do we cope? How do we hope? How do we honour the dead and the living How do we pray what is pure and healing in a dream that is dark a matrix unholy? But you see there is never a death without meaning Never a child who cries unheard Never a soul who remains in doubt Never a dark human being who does not stir a Light stronger than he is
For born once a kitten ‘tis a lion who rises A lone soul in silence now a choir of a thousand voices A single stone falling now a glass avalanche in pieces And the only question which remains to be asked is Come you warriors of spiritual courage no flag no country is yours to defend your sword only Truth your shield a kind hand Until nothing nothing matters but God Love and nothing nothing lives but the Light As nothing survives but the All the essence of the Mother immortal and a final homecoming of the Father reborn And the story of all stories becomes magic upon the tongue And we walk without fear and we sleep with our loves and we live out our lives returned to the possible to adore beyond forever so much more so very much more than our infant human eyes can see How do we live? We Love Where is our Home? Within Who is the enemy? Only fear for the story is all but done
much love, Adi
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