
Dear Reader;

We are entering into the most extraordinary of times. With these words, I share the opportunity of our lives, should we choose, if we dare.


Once upon a time
a King and Queen held a great
great party
He chose the most exquisite
delicacies to serve
She dressed the hall 
with the richest silks upon the walls
and the finest linens 
and crystal goblets shone
upon the tables elegant and long

Musicians came
who played and sung 
the music of the gods
The wine was of the most rare 
and holy grapes
The royal bees gave of their hives 
sacred wax into candles
which lit up the scene
with the lights of a thousand stars
and the scent of the honey
of the Goddess
melting warm and sweet

All was ready
even the masses of fresh flowers
from lands beyond lands
overflowing vases and bowls
petals in every hue
in colours never before seen
by human eyes

Everything was ready
everything was perfect
and plentiful
and generous
and fine

But no one came.

The King waited 
his gate open wide
The Queen offered
her heart open wide

But no one came.

And so the candles paused their flames
the scent of the flowers hung 
frozen in time upon the air
while the Eternal said
I will never end
even if I were to wait for you
forever and a day
know this
know this
my feast will always await

For the people had all been invited
every last soul
had been called to the banquet
and here lay
their very favourite nourishment
each and every one

But outside the palace walls
the people were busy
with pursuits of their own
Beyond the gates
of so much plenty
the people were arguing
they were busy with their fighting
because they had so much confusion
to live

The people had fears
they had suffering that they remembered
oh so very well
in fact
their suffering filled their days
and so they killed to end the killing
they hurt others 
to attempt to end their pain
In their hunger
they starved the children 
of their enemies
as they starved their own children

The people left their homes
to seek what they thought
they did not have
and in their seeking
even their homes were lost
The people were so busy
with all that they feared
was missing and wrong
so busy with what they thought
was gone
the people did not see their invitations
to the most abundant
most loving
most sacred party
that was waiting 
just for them

They were too busy
in their fight
over everything they thought
they did not have

But the day came
when a new sun rose
and on the mists
of that dawning morning
an old woman spoke softly
and she said 
tell them
tell them to listen
but not with their ears
tell them to know
but not with their minds
that there is a royal celebration
and the people are invited
every last one
every man
woman and child

And the words of the elder
rose up over the battlefields
over the factories
over the tall towers
of business and machine
until the words of the invitation
began to float like truth
from a benevolent sky
and somewhere a child replied
There is a party
I am invited
and so 
are all of you

The mother listened to her child
and spoke the words with him
I am invited
and so are you
and from the hearth
of their simple home
a glowing
sphere of light rose
to show them the way
And then a farmer
in the field
heard the invitation
and then a weaver
and a woodworker
and then even a priest of fear
heard the words
as they crumbled his lies 
and the undulating light from the hearth 
rose up
a beacon
a flood light
as the doors of the great hall
opened even wider
opened larger and brighter
than ever before

For the great King 
at one with his powerful Queen
promised they would wait forever
for the party was ready
and the people had heard the invitation
and the music was dancing
and the wine was pouring
and the feast was waiting
and all that was ever needed
was the willingness to hear
the invitation
and to say
I allow
I accept
I will join in the bounty
I will enter the doors
of infinite celebration

I will come
I am present
I receive
I thank you
I am forgiven
I am worthy
I am loved
united and whole

And the Creator's work
is already done

The party
has begun

much love, Adi

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