
What Do the Guides Have to Say About the US Election?

3 Card Spread from DEAR HUMAN CHILD Deck

If transmission excerpts can support our personal challenges, imagine how they might respond if we ask tough questions about current global issues? Well, I asked, and the cards spoke.

Wouldn't it be interesting if this election were, for example, to lead us in a direction that suggested that it's time for a different form of electoral system? That pitting two parties against one another in aggression and bitter and childlike oppositional energy is not the way to create a healthy country or a healthy governing body. And perhaps this is what it is time for us to overhaul. If we were to choose this fundamental change, that is when new opportunities and new choices appear before us.

If you enjoyed this video, be one of the first to hold the special edition DEAR HUMAN CHILD book and deluxe card deck in your own hands. We are so grateful for your support in reaching our goal, to bring these writings to the world. DEAR HUMAN CHILD.


Are you are local to Toronto and stuck in the city on an August weekend?

Stop by Farmacia this Saturday Aug. 10, from 1 - 4 pm, to say hi, chat about the book and try out the DEAR HUMAN CHILD card deck, all while sipping on a fresh smoothie or kombucha. After our visit you are only steps away from the lake and boardwalk, as well as all kinds of shops and patios where you can enjoy a summer meal.

Farmacia is located in the heart of the Beaches just east of Leuty Avenue on the north side of Queen Street East.

2096 Queen St E, Toronto, ON M4E 1E1

(647) 341-3276

Join me to receive a card just for you, and play with our prototype deck. Bring a question or just ask, 'tell me what I need to know now'. Be forewarned that these cards speak to the soul, rather than our material preferences.

I will try to get to everyone, but definitely promise to chat with the first ten folks to stop by. There is no charge to receive your card, but I do ask that you purchase a drink to say thank you to Steve for hosting us.


AND... while you are with us, enter in a draw to win an original, framed fine art print, a sample of the illustrations from DEAR HUMAN CHILD. Only those who join at Farmacia on Saturday will be entered in this draw, so it's a great chance to win!

* Contest guidelines: To participate in this draw, please attend at Farmacia.

  • Enter with your email address: one ticket.

  • Back the project on Saturday: two tickets.

  • Back the Kickstarter with our best value, Soulmate Package tier, or any higher value tier: three tickets.

    Other draws will be held at upcoming live events, and as we have six framed prints in total, I will chat with each winner and do my best to offer your favourite illustrations.

We sooo appreciate your sharing of this project. If you are here with me on Substack, I know you value the transmissions. They were meant for you.

Join me at DEAR HUMAN CHILD for project updates, and to be a part of this dream.

much love,