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Forgiveness: Toward a World Without Blame

Forgiveness: Toward a World Without Blame

Healing the Primary Sexual Wound: Part Three Exercise

Forgiveness is a tricky subject. When we truly begin to grasp what it means to live in a world without blame, a world in which every conflict is a lesson and every enemy a teacher, the blessing of this acceptance lives in the reclamation of our own capacity to choose. We become the victim no more.

We may have everything material taken away from us, but no one can claim the inner choices of our soul, as was so clearly expressed in Viktor Frankl's brilliant book, Man’s Search for Meaning. As we apply these principles we may find that within our own personal relationships, apology is no longer necessary in the same way. We become willing to witness both our own actions and the actions of our loved ones as simply expressions which arise from who we are and where we are in each moment. Even in situations of grave harm and loss it is possible to walk within this framework. to recognize that Justice is a much more complex and holy process than vengeance.

Alongside this principle exists a profound understanding which is that we set ourselves and others free by releasing our attachment to suffering through an intentional forgiveness practice. This can be deeply effective even if we are not aware of consciously sitting in a place of blame. What forgiveness achieves is acknowledgement of both the pain of the one who has been harmed and the one who caused the harm. From this view we can abstain from the use of words like victim and persecutor and yet still recognize the mutual dance of shame and heartbreak which has been such a powerful part of our human journey. In this process we allow what is hidden in our unconscious to feel safe enough to rise up and be acknowledged, beyond cycles of defence and counter-attack. The elimination of denied resentment and powerlessness is critical to the creation of a world without blame. We must be willing to tell the truth before we can all be set free.

 Most of us are aware of the ancient Hawaiian tradition of Ho'oponopono. this practice is rooted in an understanding of Oneness. It calls us to claim the courage of acknowledging any and all karmic hurt we have generated as a powerful practice of humility and willingness. It is astonishing how the act of intentionally expressing forgiveness to others grants us permission to acknowledge and identify our own buried pain. Something magical takes place when we surrender our defences. Just as it is possible to become entrenched in the rage of the victim, a very pure liberation may be found when we set ourselves free of any hurt we may have experienced as well as any hurt we may have committed.

Today's exercise is an invitation to explore Ho’oponopono. Please begin in meditation and call forth any tangible memories of suppression, or persecution or victimization. Hold this awareness as you listen to and speak the magic of Ho'oponopono. Observe how old memories of shame become pure in the presence of unconditional acceptance. Recognize that as this acceptance comes alive within you, you reflect the purity of the unconditional love of the Creator. This Is the love we seek, and yet it is the very same love which can never be lost. This is the truth which lives within every soul.

Photo by mark tulin on Unsplash

I will begin by sharing a few stanzas from a transmission entitled Father Forgive Them. I will then read for you the full traditional form of the Ho'oponopono. You may listen to this on repeat for an increasingly powerful experience or you may choose to speak it aloud. May the inherent forgiveness of absolute and unconditional love lead us together toward a World Without Blame. 

Father forgive them 
for they know not what they do
Mother forgive me
for I did not know
that I was you
My own heart
forgive me
for the wrongs I feared
were my fault
Let the yes
the Yes
be spoken again
this time in freedom
this time the lesson learned
All humility 
brings me to my knees
all wonder
lies waiting there
for the attack is over
forgiveness come and gone
not needed anymore

The war 
is done.

When I say Peace
my brothers
When I say peace 
my mother 
my daughter 
my life 
I say peace 
in fact was always the answer 
but we didn't know 
we didn't know 
what we were not yet ready 
to learn

But the day is coming 
when we will rise high 
once again 
though it will not be 
what you think it will be 
because it will begin from within you 
inner galaxies emerging 
from a place 
you have never before been..

*Note: The Ho’oponopono prayer is accompanied by my received chant, Peace. The chant itself holds an additionally activating frequency. The prayer is repeated three times.

“Divine Creator, Father, Mother, Son, all in One. If I, my family, my relatives and ancestors, offend your family, relatives and ancestors, in thoughts, words, facts, and actions, from the beginning of our creation to the present moment, we ask for your forgiveness. Let it cleanse, purify, release and cut all negative memories, blockages, energies and vibrations. Transmute these undesirable energies into pure light, and so it is.

To clear my subconscious of all the emotional charge stored in it, I say over and over again during my day, the keywords of ho’oponopono: I’m sorry, forgive me, I love you, I’m grateful. I declare myself at peace with all the people of the earth with whom I have outstanding debts. For this moment and in all time, for everything that I do not like in my present life: I am sorry, forgive me, I love  you, I am grateful. I release all those from whom I believe I am receiving harm and ill treatment because they are my teachers: I’m sorry, forgive me, I love you, I’m grateful.

Although it is difficult for me to forgive someone, I am the one who asks for the forgiveness of that someone now. For this instant, and at all times, for everything I do not like in my present life: I’m so sorry, forgive me, I love you, I’m grateful. For this sacred place that I inhabit day by day, with which I do not feel comfortable: I am sorry, forgive me, I love you, I am grateful. For the difficult relationships of which I only kept bad memories: I’m sorry, forgive me, I love you, I’m grateful.

For everything that I do not like in my present life, in my past life, in my work and what is around me, Divinity cleans in me what is contributing to my scarcity: I’m sorry, forgive me, I love you, I am grateful. 

If my physical body experiences anxiety, worry, guilt, fear, sadness, pain, I speak and think, “My memories, I love you. I am grateful for the opportunity to release you, and me.” I’m sorry, forgive me, I love you, I’m grateful. Right now, I affirm that I love you. I think of my emotional health and that of all my loved ones. I love you for my needs and to learn to wait without anxiety, without fear, I recognize my memories here at this moment: I am sorry, forgive me, I love you, I am grateful.

My contribution to the healing of beloved Mother Earth, who I am: if I, my family, my relatives and ancestors mistreat you with thoughts, words, facts and actions, from the beginning of our creation to the present moment, I ask your forgiveness. Let it cleanse and purify, release and cut all negative memories, blockages, energies and vibrations. Transmute these undesirable energies into pure light and so it is.

To conclude, I say that this prayer is my door, my contribution to your emotional health, which is the same as mine. So, be well, and as you heal, I say that: I’m sorry for the painful memories I share with you. I ask for forgiveness for uniting my path to yours for healing. I thank you for being here in me. I love you for being who you are. ”

I would love to hear your experience with this exercise.

Just a reminder that within your soul you are eternally pure and beautiful. You are a child of God, Goddess, Spirit, Source and Creator. You are, in your essence, perfect and free.

much love,


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