Dear Reader
Are you ready? Are you willing to See? Please use this as a meditation, as a softening of the heart toward release, as a message to be spoken aloud with your own voice. That which we speak, we bring into form.

When the wave rises we cannot say the exact moment it will crest and begin its fall to freedom into wholeness with the infinite So ask not are we done ask not are we here yet but rather soften into all flow and do not judge your arc your ride You witness such shifting sands Your vision blurs in the heat of the sun You are unsure if you are dreaming if the shadows upon the horizon are real or true Everywhere you turn you wonder is this the godly way or is this the illusion the bed of lies which makes one a fool Those whom you once trusted seem to collapse as if they had always been made of dust and those whom you once judged surprise you as they crack open your heart and reshape your soul Nothing remains in the realm of the ordinary Nothing is as it used to be for the story is now told across fields of light through layers and layers of dimensions cutting consciousness beyond space beyond measure beyond a world of day and night So that just when you think you know you realize you don’t know Just when it starts to make sense it doesn’t anymore and we begin to recognize that we are no longer alive in the realm of experience which marks us We are being born instead into a realm of truth as constant creation beyond categorization beyond constructs of old
Look into the eyes of your brother and you may find alive within the dark fears of an abandoned child Look into the eyes of your enemy and you may find a hidden wisdom a soul who has simply learned how to survive Look into your own eyes and allow yourself to see as if for the first time the clutter of persona and denial for there is no more time no more use for addictions of distraction Not another moment to be given to doubt or blindness not another day to spend in helplessness hopelessness or fear For whether this is your last day upon a hellish Earth or your first day in a Heaven of your own making it matters not the wave has arisen the wave has arisen and it will return us all to the See The time has come to cease thinking with the brain and instead infuse your Presence with expansive sight To stop breathing with the lungs and instead inhale the force of a destructive and creative fire To walk upon the soil and at the same time transcend the doing of it all the while discovering beauty in every particle of your sleep-walking day-dreaming world

As you expand slowly, slowly exploding the DNA as you breathe in this fiery light you may believe that now you have drunk the tea taken the pill but this dear children this is your return to knowing the remembering of the coming of the end of the night This is exactly how the key is handed back to you placed firmly in your hands for you can never cease human confusions without first naming the stories the stage and the players and then bow in absolute gratitude as you rise up as you re-materialize into your entirety and leave those stories behind This is the melding of a transporting state wherein we envision ourselves into alchemy with the material voice of our human drama We the wordsmiths We the players We the audience the critics on opening night forever and forever at play caught between suffering and joy hide and seek with the light of utter absolution and forgiveness allowing ourselves to be found allowing ourselves to be found and the game is thus done the dissolving forces of negative illumination collapsing inward until we cannot be lost confused or distracted again no matter how great the storm no matter how deep the crashing of this giant wave Come here to this shore one, two, three times every day let the reminder of meaning within chaos sing in your ears and become one of the ones who has relinquished fear and found the rhythm of acceptance the untouchables the transformers the heroes upon their journeys finally able to play the game because we see the game and to return to the arms of Home when the theatre is done Author pick up your pen Artist pick up your brush Parent birth your child Child grow into your parent Creator infuse the expressions of every shade of every being in every way You were born for this time When the wave rises we cannot say the exact moment it will crest and begin its fall to freedom into wholeness with the infinite So ask not are we done ask not are we here yet but rather soften into all flow and do not judge your arc your ride
You witness such shifting sands Your vision blurs in the heat of the sun You are unsure if you are dreaming if the shadows upon the horizon are real or true Everywhere you turn you wonder is this the godly way or is this the illusion the bed of lies which makes one a fool Those whom you once trusted seem to collapse as if they had always been made of dust and those whom you once judged surprise you as they crack open your heart and reshape your soul Nothing remains in the realm of the ordinary Nothing is as it used to be for the story is now told across fields of light through layers and layers of dimensions cutting consciousness beyond space beyond measure beyond a world of day and night So that just when you think you know you realize you don’t know Just when it starts to make sense it doesn’t anymore and we begin to recognize that we are no longer alive in the realm of experience which marks us We are being born instead into a realm of truth as constant creation beyond categorization beyond constructs of old
Look into the eyes of your brother and you may find alive within the dark fears of an abandoned child Look into the eyes of your enemy and you may find a hidden wisdom a soul who has simply learned how to survive Look into your own eyes and allow yourself to see as if for the first time the clutter of persona and denial for there is no more time no more use for addictions of distraction Not another moment to be given to doubt or blindness not another day to spend in helplessness hopelessness or fear For whether this is your last day upon a hellish Earth or your first day in a Heaven of your own making it matters not the wave has arisen the wave has arisen and it will return us all to the See The time has come to cease thinking with the brain and instead infuse your Presence with expansive sight To stop breathing with the lungs and instead inhale the force of a destructive and creative fire To walk upon the soil and at the same time transcend the doing of it all the while discovering beauty in every particle of your sleep-walking day-dreaming world

As you expand slowly, slowly exploding the DNA as you breathe in this fiery light you may believe that now you have drunk the tea taken the pill but this dear children this is your return to knowing the remembering of the coming of the end of the night This is exactly how the key is handed back to you placed firmly in your hands for you can never cease human confusions without first naming the stories the stage and the players and then bow in absolute gratitude as you rise up as you re-materialize into your entirety and leave those stories behind This is the melding of a transporting state wherein we envision ourselves into alchemy with the material voice of our human drama We the wordsmiths We the players We the audience the critics on opening night forever and forever at play caught between suffering and joy hide and seek with the light of utter absolution and forgiveness allowing ourselves to be found allowing ourselves to be found and the game is thus done the dissolving forces of negative illumination collapsing inward until we cannot be lost confused or distracted again no matter how great the storm no matter how deep the crashing of this giant wave Come here to this shore one, two, three times every day let the reminder of meaning within chaos sing in your ears and become one of the ones who has relinquished fear and found the rhythm of acceptance the untouchables the transformers the heroes upon their journeys finally able to play the game because we see the game and to return to the arms of Home when the theatre is done Author pick up your pen Artist pick up your brush Parent birth your child Child grow into your parent Creator infuse the expressions of every shade of every being in every way You were born for this time © Adikanda
Dearest Reader.. I am currently accepting inquiries for private work in the deepest form of energy medicine I know.
Please simply respond to this email. I look forward to a conversation.
Consciousness is everything.
Time is Now.
much love, Adi
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